𒍪 P3M.social - Realistic Knowledge Reuse.
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About Knowledge

What is knowledge?

Life cycle

All knowledge has a life cycle. From the moment a piece of knowledge has validity claims (and prior to that) to the end when validity is lost. During its whole life cycle, knowledge is subject to knowledge processes in an organizational or social network setting. These knowledge processes can be presented as a project knowledge value chain, as depicted below.

Figure 2: Project Knowledge Value Chain (Rosinski, 2021).


KnowmadSoul is a unique, holistic system that enables knowledge reuse of Lessons Learned and other popular knowledge types. The problem as experienced in practice is that captured knowledge is not applied or referenced in future settings, or is not captured in the first place. So even if organizations capture knowledge by means of externalization and store the information in databases they lack processes that support knowledge application. KnowmadSoul is a tool built on processes and knowledge integration mechanisms that supports knowledge reuse by pushing knowledge to the right actors.

Furthermore, KnowmadSoul supports development of Methodologies. Methodologies as a class of frameworks are a complex knowledge type. Based on Knowledge Type Creativity Model, a Methodology is a Container knowledge type, just like wikipedia articles.